The last few days, I've been reading a bunch of mommy blogs. Some are really funny, others offer great advice. I notice there is one thing missing from them all. None of the blogs mention having children with out of control behavior or worse having a child who is in the juvenile court system. I wonder why that is. Is it because the mommy or parent is ashamed their child has been "though the system?" Or is it the shame of others thinking that blogger is a bad parent thus cannot give advice? Now, if I'm being perfectly honest, I don't read the blogs for advice. My kids will probably not like many of the crafts nor will I be able to use them in my 4-H club (although, won't stop me from trying a few of them).
I admit with my first and maybe even my second, it was great to brag about their first happenings (steps, teeth, ect.) but by the third and fourth....I was kinda over it. My kids will attest to that and there is evidence of it in their scrapbooks. Alex has 2 very full books, Mathew has just filled his first...and sadly, I haven't really put anything in the twins' books.
Here is my quandary: Are there any mommies out there who are having issues with their kids behaviors to the point that either: a) a therapist was brought in or b)they are classified as juvenile delinquents?
It just appears to me that many of the mommy blogs are upper middle class who have the time and resources to give their kids the nicer things in life. Not that it a bad thing....not in the least. I guess more of my issue is the lack of struggle with being a parent. We all lose our top and say or do something stupid. I must admit, I have many, many times. I always feel the thee worst parent on the planet.
Maybe it's just me....I want to be able to read about not the small mishaps of a toddler during the potty-training phase. I really, really don't want to know about that! Eeekks!! Those horribly awkward tween and teen years where you have lost every bit of respect from that cute freckled face kid who used to give lots, and lots of hugs and kisses with fresh "I love you mommy" who has turned into a braced mouthy, pimple faced teen who lovingly tells you, "I HATE you!" Where are those blogs? Maybe I'm just running across the mommies with kids that are still in that cute and cuddly phase. I need to find the mommies from the wretched teen phase.
A note to mommies with younger ones: cherish every little kiss and hug....every cuddly moment you can....eventually they grow out of it. Oh how I miss the cute phase.
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